For mouting a dock leveller to a loading bay a constructional recess will have to be made: the so called “Pit“

Generally there are two different types of pits:

  • A closed pit in which the leveller will be installed on the concrete pit floor
  • An open pit in which a letterbox (Tail Lift opening) is integrated

Type of Dock Levellers

Many options available:

  • The Standing Frame Leveller for closed pit design
  • The conventional Hanging Frame Leveller which will be casted in to the concrete, used in open pit design where a letterbox is required
  • For quick installation a Quick Mounting System (QMS) the pit is produced first with QMS curb angles, which makes it possible to place the leveller during the last stage of the constuction process

Curb Angels

There are several types of curb angles available:

  • The Straight Angle used to cover and protect the horizontal and vertical concrete edges of the pit
  • The Quick Mounted System (QMS) version, allowing you to create the pit and fit the leveller at the end of the construction process.
    The Stertil Dock Products QMS curb angles protect the pit edges and also ensure tailoer measured to perfectly fit the exact dimensions of the pit. Once the pit is completed it is easy to fit the leveller and weld it to the curb angles

Closed Box

Another way to integrate a leveller into the pit is with a so called “closed box”. This galvanised “closed box” can be supplied completely assembled, including distance profiles which keep the walls at the exact position during the concrete casting process. Also levellers can be fitted into a closed box situation and completely casted in.

Pre-fabricated Concrete Pits

For extensive projects where many loading bays are being constructed, prefabricated concrete pits are usually the most effective option.
These concrete pits are pre-fabricated. Stertil Dock Products can supply galvanised curb angles in the exact dimensions, directly to the manufacturer of these pre-fabricated pits

Stertil Door and Door Products

Stertil Dock and Door Products provides wide range of options and models for different industries to offer the best suitable solution. We can design long lasting, efficient and secure loading areas with Stertil products.

How to design a Loading Bay?

The loading area design is the preliminary phase of the logistics chain. Many variables should be considered when designing an effective and safe loading area. This guide will help you throughout the whole process from start to finish and provide you with helpful tips to design and build your loading space construction. Our expert engineers will assist in the design of your loading space construction.